Visions for the Future of the Czech Republic

CZ2 - Visions for the Future of the Czech Republic

Envisioning the Future(s) of the Czech RepublicThe Czech Republic is a land of promise, offering a sense of serenity amidst a troubled world. Nestled behind the mountains of Central Europe, this hidden gem provides clarity and opens the door to new possibilities.
However, the core values of the European dream – peace, freedom, democracy, equality, human rights, and a sustainable environment – are under threat. The urgency of the climate emergency and the recent challenging events demand a shift in mindset and immediate action. It is crucial that we stand together, united and resolute.
Now is the time for our voices to be heard.
What is the true potential of the Czech Republic? What role can it play at the heart of Europe? How can it lead us towards a better future? These questions require bold actions and solutions. Through design, let us reimagine the possibilities, ignite inspiration, chart new directions, and foster meaningful discussions on design for urban density, regional balance, decarbonisation, health, population growth, self-sufficiency, new forms of governance, etc.
The exhibition showcased at CTU delves into the past, the present, and the dreams for the future of the Czech Republic. Over 150 students from across the globe have collaborated to share their visions. The collection of ideas displayed on the 1:20000 map of the country and in the spaces around it, together with the interviews to a myriad specialists and stakeholders, are an invitation for the public to actively shape our collective destiny.


These ideas serve as a catalyst, inspiring us to take action. We extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in this journey of imagination.

The more who join, the greater our collective impact will be.