District II-old
-Drastically reduce car usage within the neighbourhood and the space taken by cars
-Encourage cycling as a primary method of transportation for interurban travel
-Create a safe and pleasant environment for walking in the city
-Increase greenery, construct new parks, plazas and renovate under-maintained parks
-Facilitate access to goods and services with a modular pavilion system
CZ is car driven
Main points
Target Group
In habitants of tageted area notably the 2nd district of Mlada Boleslav
What's Next ?
Expand the plan to all the other car manufacturing cities of Czech republic.
Mlada Boleslav:
225 000 m2 of parking transformed in green areas
85% less cars inside the site
3500 trees planted, 77 tones of co2 absorbed
9000 Km cumulated daily on foot or bike
900 000 euro per year additional spending in the local economy
Wide scale (All sites):
540 000 m2 of parking transformed in green areas
85% less cars within the sites
8400 trees planted, 185 tones of CO2 absorbed
21 600 Km cumulated daily on foot or bike
2.2 million euros per year additional spending in the local economies
Yanis Hommet
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