
I chose my site in the northwest of the Czech Republic. The town is called Žatec. This area where this small town is located is very reputed for the production of fields of hops, one of the ingredients that allows the manufacture of beer. The Czech Republic is one of the countries in the European Union which is known for one type of alcohol: beer and can grow across the country. I had to choose a theme that reminded me of the Czech Republic, so I chose the subject of beer. my concept is to use the beer, the hops fields, the airbnb. The production of the beer will be on the site where people can discover the life of the production by sleeping, eating and participating in activities during their stay. There is a community space which is composed of a brewery/restaurant, a lounge room and a reception. and then two different types of airbnb.


expension for the production of beer over all the country.

Before & After



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Jeanne Kielwasser



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